Wednesday, February 4, 2015

I do ♥

I know this is a really late post. But happiness is about to share, right? :)

Finally, the engagement day has come. It was on Saturday morning, January 31st 2015, a beautiful sunny day. I'm telling you, I was so nervous and already woke up at 3 am! I couldn't sleep, I thought about many things, my heart beat so fast, and I couldn't believe the man I met 2 year ago would come on that day to propose me. 

Adhi's big family came a long way from Surabaya to Cepu, They arrived at my home at 11 am 

Ahh.. They're coming!
(At that time, I was really nervous in the bedroom. I was not allowed to come out until my parents pick me up.)

After the greetings, my uncle asked Adhi's family (which is presented by his uncle), what is the intention by coming here. (This is just the part of the engagement ceremony in my culture. We all know what is the intention :p ) They're coming here as the request of Adhi, to ask me, to propose me to be his wife. His uncle said look this all preparation he believe that Adhi's proposal will be accepted, and I heard the laughter from all family and I became more nervous. That means I will come out from the room very soon and meet my man :)

In my culture, after the proposal, the mother of the man will give some presents or "hantaran/seserahan" for the girl. Usually the mother of the man will give jewelry, some amount of money, food, clothes, and other stuff.

I remember when we looked each other and held each other hand after the event. We are sooo happy! We can't stop smiling and greet our families, relatives, and friends.

And i believe that every woman dream proposal like this, a  romantic proposal. Propose with large of rose bucket. Thank you so much my man & family ♥♥♥

We will be married in August Insha Allah, we are working on it. My everyday now is about wedding preparation. So excited! Keep praying for us..

And tadaaaaa..! I'm showing up.
My happy face seeing my man.

Some candid photo, love the soft make up.

White pinky - Our engagement cupcakes.

Solitaire for my engagement ring.
Propose with 50 roses flower.

A happy face bride and groom to be :)

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Trip to Hoping Island

This post is about Holiday..

Disela sela rutinitas kantor aku bareng temen2 kantor ngerencanain trip kemana aja yg bikin kita ngilangin penat. Alternatif pertama itu pantai yg kedua gunung.. tapi karena suara terbanyak pada milih pantai jadilah kita pilih pantai.

Pantai yg dipilih ga jauh2 dr jakarta, salah satu yg paling ngehits adalah kepulauan seribu, berbekal mbah google dari sekian banyak pantai kita memutuskan trip ke pulau harapan pake jasa travel "maro travel" semi backpacker karena pergi ber 16 orang budget per orang 340rb saja untuk 2H/1N.

Nah untuk yang baru pertama kali pake jasa travel semi backpacker pasti cukup kaget karena kita dilepas gtu aja, cuma ditunjukin kapalnya yg mana trus nnti waktu nyampe pulaunya baru hubungin lagi agen travelnya. Tapi MARO travell dpt nila 8/10 lah karena guide sm penginapannya yg bersih. 

Perjalanan ke pulau harapan sekitar 3 jam naek kapal kecil, karena ternyata pulau harapan itu pulau terluar di kep. Seribu, perjalanannya cukup melelahkan apalagi klo kondisi kapal yg overload, tp klo inget mo snorkelling bikin semangat :)

Intinya ga perlu jauh2 ke luar negeri didalem negeri aja masih banyak spot bagus buat snorkelling & refreshing.

Cekidot biar foto aja deh yang ngomong gimana indahnya pulau seribu (pic taken by handpone) karena males bawa2 dslr yang gede, karena fokusnya cuma maen air bukan narsis hehehe :p

Spot snorkelling pertama.

My beloved one ♡

Beautiful view everywhere.

Bulat Island.

Cant stop taking pictures.

Tiny trees.

My Great team.


Sunset, beach, & you ♡.

Perfect scenery.

Cant wait to post my next trip bloggers, Thousand Island is awesome.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Engagement preparation

Hello again my blog ~

Ternyata uda lama bgt ga nulis setelah bertahun tahun hehehee.   And i write this post to share about next step in my life.. This posting is about preparation for my "E" day. Wah ga nyangka ternyata ngurusin ini itunya lumayan ribet dan melelahkan, and this is we should prepare for engagement day:  

◆ Ring
Buat tunangan ini aku sm pacar mutusin beli cincin untuk aku aja (pihak cewek), karena emang tunangan itu hanya sebagai simbolis untuk hubungan yg lebih serius dan kita pilih model solitaire dengan 1 mata diamond ditengahnya simple but classy. Kita nyari cincin tunangan ini di Cikini gold mart, selain banyak model yg bisa dipilih dan harganya yg cukup bersaing makanya kita pilih beli di cikini.  

◆ Kebaya & Batik
Untuk kebaya kita berdua setuju untuk pilih warna pastel (peach) dengan hiasan payet emas simple but elegant, untuk bahan kebaya aku cari di pasar mayestik yang menurutku surganya bahan kebaya, dan toko toko yg menurutku recommeded bgt itu "fancy atau mumbay textile", selain harganya jg terjangkau pegawainya juga standby buat nemenin kita milih bahan. Untuk design & jahit kebayanya aku serahin juga ke penjahit langganan di mayestik, meskipun jahit disini lumayan menguras kantong hehehe ~

Kemeja batik cowokku beli di batik keris, dengan warna khas batik hitam cokelat yang tentunya harus disesuaiin sm kebaya ceweknya.  

◆ Ring Box
Untuk kotak cincin aku pesen handmade hasil browsing di instagram ada satu toko namanya @cissbride nah disitu kita bisa pesen kotak cincin sesuai yg kita mau, ownernya juga ok pelayanannya. Range harganya untuk kotak cincin start dari 350 K saja, proses pengerjaannya 3 minggu.  

◆ Headpiece
Selain kebaya salah satu aksesoris yg wajib dipake diacara tunangan ini sih headpiece karna berhubung aku berhijab aku pake aksesoris ini untuk hijabnya. Untuk headpiece aku beli di instagram juga @atashofia waktu pengerjaannya cukup 2 minggu saja. Harganya start 160K.  

Segini dulu yaa sharing about engagement preparation bride to be..

Happy Sharing ♡♡